If you are ready to make a booking with us, please follow these simple steps:


To join one of our scheduled trips, please first check the available dates here.
If you are interested in a custom trip, please proceed to Step 2.


Please complete the online booking form located to the right. Note: If you are using a phone or small tablet, you will find the booking form at the bottom of the page.

If you wish to submit your request directly in writing, please send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you wish to speak with one of our agents over the phone, please contact us at:

Phone (Ecuador): +593-98-269-3093 | +593-96-010-9678 

WhatsApp: +593-98-269-3093 

 Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm (EST; GMT-5)


One of our sales agents will email you your invoice. The invoice will include details of your quote, payment methods, payment deadlines, and cancellation policy.

  • Spangled Coquette 2 Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
  • Sword billed Hummingbird 4 Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
  • Rainbow bearded Thornbill 3 Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
  • Many banded Aracari 3 Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
  • Paradise Tanager 2 Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
  • Plate billed Mountain Toucan Tandayapa Ecuador
  • Magic Birding Ecuador Photographers 5
  • Magic Birding Ecuador Photographers Milpe
  • Long tailed Sylph Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
  • Wire tailed Manakin 2 Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
  • Rainbow bearded Thornbill Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
  • Amazon Landscape 4 Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
  • Booted Racket tail 4 Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
  • Magic Birding Ecuador Photographers 7

© All photos by Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar