To dramatically boost your bird photography experience in Ecuador, welcome to the exploration of our privileged Amazon region. While the Amazon basin falls within several South American countries, a singularity occurs in Ecuador's Amazonia. The Equator line, the Andes mountain range, and, our Amazon territory blend together to give place to the most bio-diverse ecosystem in the world! Brace yourself for a bird photography trip jam-packed with unique bird species.
Our upper Amazonia trip visits the best location to see the fabulous Rainbow-bearded Thornbill © Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
Our first chapter covers the Upper Amazon basin, stretching from 3000 m (9800 feet) all the way down to 1200 m (4000 feet). Our bird photography trip covers the Amazon's mountainous region made up of lush montane forest, deep-green foothill forests, and, crystal clear rivers that feed into the largest tributary of the Amazon river. This region is exceptionally good for bird photography for its highly sought-after mountain-toucans, mountain-tanagers, fruiteaters, tanagers, jays, caciques, antbirds, and, notably, for its abounding hummingbird species, most of which don't occur in the Choco slope (5 & 8 day trips). This region is unfortunately missed by most bird photographers, who, unknowingly skip this must-see! wildlife photography area by flying directly from Quito to Coca city into the Lower Amazon which we offer as a separate trip.
Pick-up from Quito airport and transfer to San Jorge Eco-lodge Quito.
Overnight: San Jorge Eco-lodge Quito.
Bird Photo Papallacta Pass, Cayambe-Coca National Park & Cuyuja River:
Now that we've covered the best bird photography locations of the Choco (Western slope), we embark into an essentially new world, the enchanted forests of the Upper Amazon Basin (Eastern slope). After breakfast we drive towards Amazonia's slope gateway, the famous Papallacta Pass. Some of Ecuador's most stunning hummingbird species inhabit this stunning treeline forest. This will be one of the best locations to photograph the majestic
Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Blue-mantled Thornbill, and a second chance at the Ecuadorian Hillstar. Other great bird species we'll photograph at this location include the Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Giant Conebill, Many-striped Canastero, Andean Tit-Spinetail, and with a bit of luck, the mighty Spectacled Bear, South America's only bear species. At around noon, we'll be rewarded with a delicious boxed lunch surrounded by a sublime Andean landscape.
Be enchanted by the breathtaking scenery of the Upper Amazon region. © Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
After lunch we do bird photography inside Cayambe-Coca National Park. This dwarf Andean forest is home to very localized bird species and we'll focus on bird photography of the Masked Mountain-Tanager, Black-backed Bush-Tanager, Pale-naped Brush-Finch, Crowned Chat-Tyrant, and, the stunners Pluscap, and Golden-crowned Tanager. After Cayambe Coca, we descend to Cuyuja river and we spend the rest of the afternoon doing hummingbird photography of brand new species including the Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Collared Inca, Glowing Pufleg, and, Tourmaline Sunangel. We'll also go after the Torrent Duck that's commonly seen along the Cuyuja river. With a bit of luck we might also photograph the Red-hooded Tanager, Grey-breasted Mountain-Toucan, and the Andean Potoo.
Overnight: Borja Valley Eco-lodge.
DAY 3 & 4
Bird Photo Baeza Valley Eco-lodge and surroundings
We'll spend two full days in the picturesque valley of Baeza as besides the feeders at the eco-lodge, we'll visit several other spots for hummingbird photography and other birds. We'll be able to take super photos of brand new hummingbird species including the
Long-taild Sylph, Green-backed Hillstar, Tawny-bellied Hermit, Speckled Hummingbird, Bronzy Inca, Rufous-booted Racket-tail, Violet-fronted Brilliant, and the Tiny Gorgeted Woodstar. Other birds that visit the bird feeders at this valley include, Bronze-green Euphonia, Red-breasted Meadowlark, Spot-breasted Woodpecker, Northern Mountain-Cacique, Scarlet-rumped Cacique, Andean Motmot, Turquoise Jay, and, Inca Jay. At the eco-lodge we'll also check the little ponds and the river for the stunning Sunbittern, and, a second chance at the Torrent Duck. In addition, during one afternoon, we'll visit a lek to do photography of the eastern Andean Cock-of-the-rock which has an amazing orange color and a piercing bright yellow eye.
Overnight: Borja Valley Eco-lodge
The valley of Baeza is home to some of the most beautiful hummingbird species including this Long-tailed Sylph. © Jorge Luis Cruz Alcivar
Bird Photo Archidona Hummingbird Reserve
After breakfast we drive for 30 minutes to Archidona Hummingbird Reserve. Extensive gardens covered with flowering vervenas are home to numerous hummingbird species that occur at this elevation only. We'll focus on hummingbird photography of the following species, the iconic Wire-crested Throntail, Violet-headed Hummingbird, Rufous-throated Sapphire, Napo Sabrewing, Rufous-vented Whitetip, Black-throated Brilliant, Fork-tailed Woodnymph,
Black-throated Brilliant, Gould's Jewelfront, Blue-fronted Lancebill, Green Hermit, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Pink-throated Brilliant, and, with a bit of luck, the amazing Spangled Coquette. After having a delicious boxed lunch we continue exploring the reserve for other birds including the Black-chested Fruiteater, Black-streaked Puffbird, Lafresnaye's Piculet, White-crowned Manakin, Coppery-chested Jacamar, Spotted Tanager, Orange-breasted Falcon, and the endangered Military Macaw.
3:00PM transfer to any hotel in Quito area or to Quito